This will depend on the version of office you are running eg: Office 365 or another version of PowerPoint. If you can not see the design ideas button, or if the design ideas button is missing from the design tab, you may need to select the Design > Design Ideas button on the ribbon. PowerPoint Designer improves slides for Microsoft Office 365 users by automatically generating design ideas to choose from, however, the first time you use the PowerPoint designer you may be asked for your permission to get design ideas. Having both of these options checked will enable you to use PowerPoint designer and generate new design ideas especially if this is your first time.

PowerPoint will show suggestions for your presentation deck in the designer pane when you create a new blank document. Where you can ask for design suggestions at any time, select “design ideas” in the Design tab” and the second checkbox is ” Automatically show me design suggestions when I create a new presentation”.

The first checkbox is “ Automatically show me design ideas”. You will notice there are two checkboxes in this section. To do this you will need to select File > Options, and in General, select Automatically show me design ideas in the PowerPoint designer section and check the box. If you can’t find or select the PowerPoint designer, you will need to turn the “design ideas button” on. When you’re at square one with a presentation, and you are looking for ideas use PowerPoint designer, it is a fantastic starting point and it has an awesome selection of design ideas. Think of Office 365 PowerPoint Designer as your loyal sidekick in this adventure, working as your personal designer to make that presentation the best it can be, creating the best design ideas. Specifically, as you add content to your slides in Office 365 PowerPoint Designer works to develop design ideas to complement the content. PowerPoint Designer is an ultra-useful Microsoft Office 365 feature that uses AI to recommend design ideas to PowerPoint users.