It has become a triple portal and connects to the following planets. Now, the entire sacred site has woken up and become much more powerful. 25 years ago Knowlton Church was a portal to Neptune. That Orb picture is on the back cover of Enlightenment Through Orbs. He told us to go there to film the Orb of Seraphina, the mighty Seraphim and that she would come through there for us to do so. I had never heard of it but in the miraculous and amazing way that our guides work, some years later I found myself living nearby. It feels as if we are all ready for a leap forward.Ībout 25 years ago my guide Kumeka, who is Master of the 8 th Ray of Transmutation and Enlightenment, told me that his secondary etheric retreat was at Knowlton Church, Dorset. You will also receive triple Ascension Flames, including El Morya’s Flame for the Perfected Human of the future. This feels so exciting and important and because so many are ready for this, I am facilitating an on-line workshop at the Equinox called Accept your Highest Blueprint for this Life during the Equinox Power Boost The even better news is that once El Morya has placed the outline for your expanded life into you he will continue to work with you to build the possibilities into your life. The blueprint is like the architect’s drawing for all we can be. He gave me the highest blueprint for this life, which I later learnt is the one with the codes he carries. He is the Manu (the Illumined One who is carrying the codes for the next evolutionary spurt of 5D humanity with 12 strands of DNA fully active and activated) Six months ago I shared the amazing experience that I had in a quantum pod when El Morya appeared. If you are ready for the Equinox powerboost the energy is like jumping out of bed in the morning and flinging back the curtains to find the sun shining and a special day ahead. On Monday 20 March we have the Spring Equinox, when the Sun and Moon, the divine masculine and feminine, are in perfect balance. As usual my heart lifts to see banks of pure white snowdrops, yellow and purple crocuses, swathes of golden daffodils and great clumps of violets.